Selasa, 21 Februari 2023

Job Interview

Halo, perkenalkan nama saya Muhamad Rasya Ezar Rusdiana. Saya adalah siswa SMKN 4 Semarang dari jurusan Teknik Audio Video. Dalam kesempatan kali ini saya ingin membagikan ilmu tentang bagaimana cara membuat JOB INTERVIEW dengan baik. Oke mari kita mulai

Dimulai Dari

    1. Definition of Job Interview

          Job interview is a meeting between the company and the employee candidate.Companies will ask a number of things to find out whether the candidate is worthy of being their employee. In    Indonesian, job interview means job interview. Not only for companies, job interviews are also           beneficial for candidates. Here, candidates can see whether the job offered is in line with                         expectations regarding benefits. Job interviews are held by the Human Resource Department               (HRD) and users who are directly related to the candidate.

       2. Function / purpose

It shows the employer what you can do for the company, and it gives you an opportunity to assess whether your qualifications and career ambitions align with the position.

        3. Structur

            1.  Opening

                       The opening section consists of job seekers and candidates.

  •   Greetings and welcome – Greetings
  •   Explain the purpose of the interview – The purpose of the interview
  •   Describe the structure of the interview – The interview section
            2. Main Questions

                In the core section, candidates are given job-related questions according to what the company                 wants to know. Here, the company is also obliged to explain the rights and obligations of its                    employees.
  •  Duties and expectations – Responsibilities and expectations
  •  Character traits – Personality
  •  Personal growth – Personal and professional development goals
  •  Salary and benefits – Salary and other benefits
            3. Closing
                In closing, the interviewer provides an opportunity for the candidate to ask questions. This is                 an opportunity for the candidate to find out things beyond the interview questions. The                            interviewer will explain the next steps after the interview. Candidates will be contacted once a                 decision has been made.

       4. Expression / Sentences

        Key Sentences to Introduce Yourself at a Job Interview in English
First impressions are always very important, and for a job interview it’s no different! These are different sentences you can use to introduce yourself at a job interview in English:

    1. Good morning/afternoon. My name is ______ and I want to thank you for this opportunity.

    2. Hello! My name is _______ and it’s a pleasure for me to be here.

    3. Good morning/afternoon. I’m _______ and I want to thank you for taking me into consideration            for this position.

    4. Hello! My name is _______ and I’m glad you called me because I really want to work for this                company.

    5. Hi! My name is ________ and I’m here because I think I have the profile you’re looking for.

    6. Hello! My name is _______ and first of all I want to congratulate you for making this company            capable of offering a top quality service!

If you want to say something positive about the company or about the position you’ve applied for then this is the perfect time.

         5. Sample

Jadi gimana guys? Jika ada yang salah dalam bahasa inggris Saya mohon untuk komentarnya  ya guys, maaf jika ada kesalahan dalam pemilihan kata dan semoga hari kalian menyenangkan.

Application Letter



Sebelumnya, perkenalkan nama saya Muhamad Rasya Ezar Rusdiana. Saya adalah salah satu siswa SMK N 4 Semarang Jurusan Teknik Audio Video. Kesemapatn kali ini saya akan menjelaskan tentang Application Letter.

A.    Definisi application letter:

Al  A job application letter or job application letter is a document that is sent to the leadership of the company and can be recruiters to apply for a job.The contents of the application letter are generally introductions, educational history, work experience, and achievements that are considered relevant to filling available job vacancies.

F     Function:

  1. As a means of communication
  2. As a considerarion for the employer
  3. As a written proof when applying for a job

J.    Nah setelah mengetahui definisi dari application letter, selanjutnya ayo kita pahami struktur dari application letter.

B.     Text structure 

a)    Heading

b)   Salutation

c)    Opening Paragraph

d)   Content / Body

e)    Closing Paragraph

f)    Enclosure

Macam macam struktur teks diatas apa aja? Nih aku kasih tau lebih lanjut

C.     Fixed expressions/ sentences

a)    Heading                : 

(Your Name)

(Your Address)

(City, Postal Code)

(Date Written)


(Leader Name)

(Position In The Company)

(Company Name)

(Company Address)

(City, Postal Code)


b)   Salutation                  :

Dear (Leader Name) ,


c)    Opening                    :

    (Write where you got the job advertisement poster from, plus the date, and show that you match what is required in the job advertisement)


d)   Content Body            :

   (Write down all your positive experiences in detail, and point out your strengths accordingly) 


e)    Closing Paragraph    :

     (Close with your wishes and say thank you)


f)    Enclosure    :

     (Your name)

Job Advertisement:

VOILAA!! Ini Application Letterku udah jadi. Gimana dengan Application Lettermu?

F.      Writing Job Application

Muhamad Rasya Ezar Rusdiana

Tampomas Dalam V No 19

Semarang, 21488



January 14, 2023


HRD Manager

Master Sound Industry

Rembang, Jawa Tengah 44000


Dear The HRD Manager MSIndustry.


I would like to apply for the Promotion employee position advertised on the Poster by Tuesday, February 14, 2023. My relevant experience in the same position is a perfect match for the qualifications you require


As a promotion employee, I have experience in designing a poster, on social media, and expert in camera angles.  In addition, I ensure compliance with safety standards in the office. During my internship at Undip Faculty of Economics and Business, I pursued my hobby as a photographer, and because of this hobby I was able to earn extra money to meet my daily needs..


Plus I got satisfactory grades in some of the previous fields for all my hard work.


Please give my application a strong consideration. I hope to hear good news from you. Thank you for your time and consideration.


Your sincerely,



Rasya Ezar

G.    Reference



Halo, perkenalkan nama saya Muhamad Rasya Ezar Rusdiana. Saya adalah siswa SMKN 4 Semarang dari jurusan Teknik Audio Video. Dalam kesempatan kali ini saya ingin membagikan ilmu tentang bagaimana cara membuat CV/resume dengan baik. Oke mari kita mulai

Dimulai Dari

  1. Definition of CV/resume

This section is the opening paragraph which contains an explanation that you are applying for a particular job or position at the company you are aiming for along with the reasons you are applying for that position. You can mention what made you interested in applying for the position.

       2. Function / purpose

Essentially, a CV designed to summarise all your academic, professional and personal (where relevant) achievements in order to entice or interest a hiring manager when applying for a new job opportunity.


3.             3. Structure

·         Profile – an introductory paragraph

·         Core skills – bullet pointed snapshot of your main offerings

·         Career history – detailed list of your roles

·         Education/qualifications/technical skills


4.                 4. Expression / Sentences

 ·         Profile

      Your profile sits just underneath your CV heading and serves as an introductory paragraph to summarise your offerings and grab the attention of recruiters. Another way to think of it, is like a quick sales pitch. 

·         Core Skills

To give the top of your CV an extra boost, add a bullet pointed core skills section underneath your profile like this one

·         Career history

Begin describing your career history by listing each of your previous roles in chronological order starting with the most recent. Briefly describe the scope of your responsibilities, and highlight how you have contributed to the company’s success.

·         Education/qualifications/technical skills

Towards the bottom of your CV you should give a complete list of your education and vocational qualifications.

                   5. Sample

                      6. Writing




Selasa, 07 Februari 2023

Pengalaman Saya Melakukan Prakerin di Fakultas Ekonomika Dan Bisnis Undip


Hai Guys, 
Disini Saya akan membagikan cerita dan pengalaman ketika PRAKERIN. Saya di minta Bu Guru Bahasa Inggris untuk menuliskan dalam bentuk tulisan bahasa inggris, menggunakan Google translate dan sebagai grammar check, dan ini hasilnya.

My Experience Is Interning At Undip

       Hi, this is my experience and my friend Dito internship at Undip. The Beginning of Internship I am in the eleventh grade, internship starts from the third of January to the thirty-one of June. Why can I practice there? Because there are families who work at Undip and there are places that are in accordance with the subject matter at school.

At Undip I can find out how to tidy up cables properly, how to replace computer RAM and SSD, how to take pictures using a camera, and how to maintain a computer. What is computer maintenance? Maintenance is an activity to monitor and maintain facilities by designing, managing, handling and checking work. At Undip, I feel that I am a student, not like I am doing an internship, every break I always go out to buy food, I always leave earlier than the others. The Internship is held in the morning at 08.00 and the Internship returns at 16.00 in the afternoon, every time I go home it always rains, so I'm lazy to go home.

Time flies fast, the campus is starting to be packed with events. Such as the Undip Birthday event, UTBK implementation, Undip Alumni recitation, and Campus Graduation events. Every important event like this, the supervisor will definitely give a salary to help at the event. I once did not take two weeks off because I helped with UTBK activities and I could find out what UTBK was like. If there is no event, they usually do computer maintenance, until there is a computer that cannot turn on, it must also be repaired. At that time there was nothing to do, sometimes a lot of empty hours, because of that I often spend time playing games, watching YouTube or browsing about "How to make an internship report" because at that time the school gave the task of making a report when doing internship activities.

                In June, Dito and I started writing reports that we did during the internship and began to say goodbye to office employees and thanked them for the knowledge they had provided during the six months of internship at Undip.

Jadi gimana guys? Jika ada yang salah dalam bahasa inggris Saya mohon untuk komentarnya  ya guys, maaf jika ada kesalahan dalam pemilihan kata dan semoga hari kalian menyenangkan.


Job Interview

Halo, perkenalkan nama saya Muhamad Rasya Ezar Rusdiana. Saya adalah siswa SMKN 4 Semarang dari jurusan Teknik Audio Video. Dalam kesempatan...